Interesting also in the context of global histories
Greek and Latin cultures
global history, Classics, EuropeAbstract
Interview with Dag Nikolaus Hasse - Hasse is Professor of the History of Philosophy at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. His research interests include the history of Arabic philosophy and science and the reception of Arabic scholarship in the European Middle Ages and early modern period, on which he has published widely. The interview in eisodos is accompanied by the essay "Was ist europäisch? Zur Überwindung kolonialer und romantischer Denkformen" (2021), which, among other things, critically questions the Greco-Roman narrow view in the European self-image for a broad audience and shows new perspectives for a broader understanding of antiquity and a more open concept of Europe, with which Professor Hasse provides a significant stimulus for our reflection on what we would understand as 'classical antiquity'.
Copyright (c) 2024 Prof. Dr. Dag Nikolaus Hasse; Bettina Bohle
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